Creating Multiple Home Directories with Custom Permissions
In this post we will see a way to create multiple home directories, remove inherited permissions, remove other users, and then give the user write access to the folder. 1. Create Share for Home Directories On your file server, create a share that will hold all your home directories. Be sure to allow Domain Users to have read access to this share 2. Get a list of all users We wanted the home directories to have the same name as the user's login name. I was able to export a list from Active Directory of all the login names. Save this as a text file with the name file.txt 3. Batch file to create directories Make a batch file with the following lines to create the home directories: @echo off for /f %%i in (file.txt) do mkdir %%i Place this batch file in the root of the share along with the file.txt. Run the batch to create the folders. 4. Removing Inheritance We don't want user's to be able to see the contents of other user's home directories. First we...