Back Up System State and the System Disk on a Domain Controller

Back Up System State and the System Disk on a Domain Controller
The following procedure backs up both system state and the system disk.
  • To back up system state, you must log on at the local computer, or you must enable Terminal Services in Remote Administration mode on the remote domain controller.
  • Credentials: Domain Admins, local Administrator, or Backup Operator.
  • Tool: NTBackup.exe
To back up system state and the system disk on a domain controller
1.       Log on to the domain controller by using an account that has Domain Admins, local Administrator, or Backup Operator credentials.
2.       Start the Windows NT Backup Wizard by choosing one of the following options:
o    Open a command prompt, type ntbackup and press ENTER.
o    Click Start, point to Programs, then point to Accessories, then point to System Tools, and then click Backup.
1.       Click the Backup Wizard button, and then click Next.
2.       Select Back up selected files, drives, or network data.
3.       In Items to Back Up, click SystemState to select it, then expand the drive letter containing the system files and click the system disk to select it. Click Next.
4.       In the Where to Store the Backup box, select the Backup Media Type by choosing one of the following options:
o    Choose File if you want to back up to a file. If you do not have a tape backup unit installed, File is selected automatically.
o    Choose a tape device if you want to back up to tape.
1.       In the Backup Media or File Name box, choose one of the following options:
o    If you are backing up to a file, type a path and file name for the backup (.bkf) file, or click the Browse button to find a folder or file. If the destination folder or file does not exist, the system creates it.
o    If you are backing up to a tape unit, choose the tape that you want to use.
1.       After you click Next, the Completing the Backup Wizard screen appears. This screen summarizes the options selected for this backup job. Verify that Prompt to replace data is listed in the How category. If it is not, click the Advanced button, click Next until you reach the Media Options screen, and then select Replace the data on the media with this backup.
2.       Complete the remaining wizard screens, and click Finish to begin the backup operation. When a Replace Data dialog box appears, click Yesto overwrite the existing backup on this tape or file path with this backup. A progress indicator shows the status of the backup operation.


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