How To Reset The ALOM Password On A Sun Fire T2000

If an ALOM password reset is required on a Sun Fire T1000 or Sun Fire T2000 in case the password is lost or forgotten, the following steps can be taken to erase the ALOM NVRAM so that a user can gain access to it, set a new password and restore the NVRAM settings.
Note: Access to the server’s power cables and the ALOM serial port is required for this procedure.
Connect your computer or laptop to the ALOM serial management port.
Power cycle the system by unplugging the server’s power supplies, waiting several seconds and then plugging the power back in. You should see the ALOM booting on the serial management console. Hit “Esc” during the ALOM boot, before or at the point where the display says:
Return to Boot Monitor for Handshake
The system will return with this message:
Return to Boot Monitor for Handshake ESC keypress detected.
The ALOM enters the “ALOM boot escape menu”. The following choices will be displayed:
ALOM  Menu
e - Erase ALOM NVRAM.
m - Run POST Menu.
R - Reset ALOM.
r - Return to bootmon.
Your selection:

To do an ALOM password reset you must choose ‘e’ to erase the NVRAM. After erasing the NVRAM choose ‘r’ to resume the ALOM boot. You will automatically be logged in as the user ‘admin’ with no password and no permissions. The NVRAM settings will also be reset to factory default. All customizations including the ALOM network settings will be erased and will need to be redefined.
Here the print of a fixed NV
When you reach {OK} do the command:

{0} ok printenv

The answer should be as below, pay attention to the highlighted row:

Variable Name           Value                          Default Value

ttya-rts-dtr-off        false                          false
ttya-ignore-cd          true                           true
keyboard-layout         US-English                    
security-mode           none                           No default
security-password                                      No default
security-#badlogins     0                              No default
verbosity               min                            min
pci-mem64?              true                           true
diag-switch?            false                          false
local-mac-address?      true                           true
fcode-debug?            false                          false
scsi-initiator-id       7                              7
oem-logo                                               No default
oem-logo?               false                          false
oem-banner                                             No default
oem-banner?             false                          false
ansi-terminal?          true                           true
screen-#columns         80                             80
screen-#rows            34                             34
ttya-mode               9600,8,n,1,-                   9600,8,n,1,-
output-device           virtual-console                virtual-console
input-device            virtual-console                virtual-console
auto-boot-on-error?     false                          false
load-base               16384                          16384
auto-boot?              true                          true
boot-command            boot                           boot
boot-device             disk:a disk net                disk net
multipath-boot?         false                          false
boot-device-index       0                              0
use-nvramrc?            false                          false
error-reset-recovery    boot                           boot
{0} ok setenv auto-boot? true
auto-boot? =            true
{0} ok 


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