
Showing posts from October, 2013

ADB CP Command not found

How to use CP command in  Android Debug Bridge  ( adb )? Recently I root my android and I am trying to use the CP command to copy files from the system and data folders and althought im logged in as SU to the terminal but I keep getting : CP: Not found.  The solutions is you need to have busybox tools installed in your mobile. You can check if its there or not by using busybox commands. cp is built in command but not symbolic linked.  Instead of just: cp abc def use: busybox cp abc def If you find busybox not found error then you will need to install the busybox shell tools to your Android device. To Install busybox - Download busybox - Type ' adb remount ' - Type ' adb push busybox /system/xbin/busybox ' - Type ' adb shell chmod 4755 /system/xbin/busybox ' - Type ' adb shell /system/xbin/busybox --install -s /system/xbin/ '

logmein Installation Error 10048

I was trying to install the latest version of logmein free on a Windows Server 2003 machine. Installation got  right to the end where it tries to start the logmein service and it failed to start the service.  Trying to start it manually fails too with the text below.  Windows could not start the logmein service on the local computer  Error 10048 : Only one usage of each socket address protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. When I Google & searched for solution, I didn't find any proper solution. Even Logmein community portal  doesn't include any proper KB on this.