
Q11. What is forest?
A. A group of tree is called forest and does not sharing a contiguous name space but sharing a common configuration (Schema).

Q12. Difference between D.C. and A.D.C.?
A. D.C. stands for Domain Controller and A.D.C. stands for Additional Domain Controller. A.D.C. is a backup of D.C. Only one different is available between D.C. and A.D.C. i.e. – Operation master Role. On D.C. all of five Operation Master Roles are available-
1. Schema Master
2. Domain Naming Master
3. RID Master
4. PDC Emulator
5. Infrastructure Master
But on A.D.C. only Three Operation Master Role are Available:
1. RID Master
2. PDC Emulator
3. Infrastructure Master

Q13. What is the benefit of Child Domain?
A. There are many benefits of Child Domain Such As:
1. Security Boundary
2. Administrative Overhead Low
3. Network Traffic Low

Q14. What is Group?
A. Group is a collection of user account. It provides the simplified administration in the network.

Q15. What is OU?
A. OU stands for Organizational Unit. On OU we define group Policy in the network. Group policy is basically assigned on active directory container i.e. Site, domain, OU. When ever we want some users then we put that user in the OU and assign the appropriate Group Policy on that OU.

Q16. What is Group Policy?
A. Group Policy provides the stream line access to all of the users in the network. Group policy is basically assigned on active directory container i.e. Site, Domain and O.U. When ever we want some users in the network do not use shut down the system, do not use run command, do not use Control Panel, then we put that user in the OU and assign the appropriate Group Policy on that OU.

Q17. Difference between permission, rights and policy?
A. Permission: permission is basically assigned on network resources as for example – file, folder, share folder, printer. Right: Right is basically assign to users and groups. Policy: Policy is basically assigned on active directory container i.e. – Site, Domain, OU.

Q18. What is ISA Server?
A. ISA stands for Internet Security Acceleration. ISA server provides the internet connectivity for all of the users in network ISA Server also works as proxy Server in the network. With the help of ISA Server Administrator can filtering a client request for a specific web site in the network.

Q19. What is Default Gateway?
A. Default Gateway is the IP address of router in the network. When ever any clients want to go to another network that query will forward to default gateway.

Q20. What is site?
A. A site is a geographical area where all of the domains are available. Site manages the replication traffic between two or more different sites in the network.

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Thanks Suryavanshi Thakur for your contribution.


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