How to Put Links in Blogger Comments

You know when you try to leave a link in the comments section of Blogger blogs and it never links? There's a way around that. Don't abuse this, obviously, but this is such a handy little tip, particularly if you want to link to a particular post. 

First of all, make sure you are on the page for this particular post. Do that by clicking on the title above. Done that? Great! Now, if you look down, you'll see buttons so you can spread the love and share this with Blogger friends if you find it useful (they'll love you for it). Now, bookmark it so you can come back if you need to. You'll notice the URL is different. It's not - it'll have the title after it too. This is the kind of URL you need if you want to link to a particular post - whether on your blog or someone else's - in a comment. If you just link to the home page, the post you like may not be current.

Right, here's the clever bit. Pick the post you want to link to in a comment on someone's site, then type this into the comment box: <a href="">All About Networking</a> 

Simply replace the first red text with the URL of the post or blog you want to link to, and make the second URL the text you want to display. So that would show up as All About Networking in a comment, and would link back here. 


Try it out by commenting here.


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