Solaris Commands
Starting, Stopping and Rebooting
Boot solaris from ok prompt boot
Boot Solaris and reconfigure from ok prompt boot –r
Boot Solaris from CD / Install Solaris boot cdrom
Boot Solaris from network boot net
Install Solaris from network boot net - install
Shutdown machine to OK prompt init 0
Shutdown and power off machine init 5
How to interrupt bootup STOP key and A key together or send from terminal emulator BREAK signal
Boot solaris in single user & system maintenance mode init s or S
Shutdown with grace time shutdown -y -g5 -i6
Rebooting to Default Runlevel init 6
If system has 2 Solaris OS say 8/9 to boot in OS us eeprom
Installing and Managing software
Display list of all installed packages pkginfo
Display patches installed showrev –p
Install a package in file fcaw.pkg pkgadd –d fcaw.pkg
Check the install of package JNIfcaw pkgchk JNIfcaw
Display version / info etc of package abc pkginfo –l abc
Remove a package JNIfcaw pkgrm JNIfcaw
Find what package a file called x is in grep x /var/sadm/install/contents
Boot solaris from ok prompt boot
Boot Solaris and reconfigure from ok prompt boot –r
Boot Solaris from CD / Install Solaris boot cdrom
Boot Solaris from network boot net
Install Solaris from network boot net - install
Shutdown machine to OK prompt init 0
Shutdown and power off machine init 5
How to interrupt bootup STOP key and A key together or send from terminal emulator BREAK signal
Boot solaris in single user & system maintenance mode init s or S
Shutdown with grace time shutdown -y -g5 -i6
Rebooting to Default Runlevel init 6
If system has 2 Solaris OS say 8/9 to boot in OS us eeprom
Installing and Managing software
Display list of all installed packages pkginfo
Display patches installed showrev –p
Install a package in file fcaw.pkg pkgadd –d fcaw.pkg
Check the install of package JNIfcaw pkgchk JNIfcaw
Display version / info etc of package abc pkginfo –l abc
Remove a package JNIfcaw pkgrm JNIfcaw
Find what package a file called x is in grep x /var/sadm/install/contents