Spoofing Your IP Address During A Port Scan – Part 1

Spoofing Your IP Address During A Port Scan – Part 1

I love debunking myths, one of my favorites is “a port scanner must reveal his true source IP address”. In this series I’ll show you how to perform a port scan while hiding your source IP address from the host being scanned. I’ll also tell you how you can detect the technique when it is used against you.

Nmap’s decoy mode

An alternative to the technique I will describe is nmap’s decoy mode. With decoy mode you identify a number of bogus source IP addresses. From the target host, it looks like all of the bogus IP addresses, as well as the true source IP address, are all performing a port scan at the same time. The concept is the administrator under attack will have no way of knowing which IP address is in fact the true IP performing the scan.
This technique really does not mask the true source, as the source IP address is one of the IPs performing the scan. If you know what to look for, you can easily figure out which source IP is actually scanning you. So while this technique will work, it is not completely effective at hiding the source IP address.

What is an idle scan?

When we perform an idle scan, we do not actually directly detect open ports. Rather, we detect the effect an open port would have on a third party system. The technique is similar to how many viruses are detected in the human body. Rather than detecting the actual virus, we look for antibodies that get produced when the virus is present in the system. An idle scan detects open ports in much the same fashion.
Before we can dig too deeply into an idle scan, we need to look at some of the intricacies of IP.

Predictable header values

While the RFCs are designed to be specific enough that dissimilar operating systems will still be able to communicate via IP, they still leave quite a bit open to interpretation. For example, the RFCs specify that the maximum Time To Live (TTL) value that can be used is 255. They do not however specify what initial TTL value must be used; so different operating systems use different starting TTLs. The RFCs describe how Ping should work, but do not specify what should be in the payload of Echo-Request packets. Again, different vendors use different values. These nuances can permit you to identify the source operating system based variations in the packet contents. The technique is referred to as passive fingerprinting.
The IP identifier (IP ID) field in the IP header (bytes 4 and 5) is a similar situation. RFC 791specifies that the number must be unique on a per host, per session basis. For example let’s say I connect to a remote SSH server. Each IP ID in that session must be unique. If I close the session and then connect back later, it is RFC compliant if one or more IP ID values get used again. They don’t have to be, but if it does happen it is not a problem.
So the RFCs say the IP ID needs to be unique, but it does not really tie down how to go about generating the value. This has lead to different operating systems deploying different methodologies. For example Windows starts at an IP ID value of 1 and simply increments the value by +1 for every packet leaving the system. When the maximum value of 65,535 is reached, it starts back over at 1. BSD puts a random value into the IP ID field of each packet leaving the system. Linux is random for TCP packet (except initial responses which are always zero), +1 incremental for ICMP, and time based for UDP. Whew!
The one that is interesting for our purposes is Windows. The fact that each packet leaving the system gets a +1 IP ID makes the value extremely predictable. For example, consider the following output:
[root@fubar ~]# hping -r
HPING (eth0 NO FLAGS are set, 40 headers + 0 data bytes
len=46 ip= ttl=128 id=108 sport=0 flags=RA seq=0 win=0 rtt=0.4 ms
len=46 ip= ttl=128 id=+1 sport=0 flags=RA seq=1 win=0 rtt=0.4 ms
len=46 ip= ttl=128 id=+1 sport=0 flags=RA seq=2 win=0 rtt=0.4 ms
len=46 ip= ttl=128 id=+2 sport=0 flags=RA seq=3 win=0 rtt=0.4 ms
len=46 ip= ttl=128 id=+1 sport=0 flags=RA seq=4 win=0 rtt=0.4 ms
len=46 ip= ttl=128 id=+1 sport=0 flags=RA seq=5 win=0 rtt=0.4 ms
hping is a packet crafting tool which allows you create your own IP packets. In the above output we are using the “-r” switch to have hping monitoring the IP ID increment of a remote system. We know it is a Windows system, because Windows always uses a starting TTL of 128. Now look at the “id=” values. In the first line of output hping always prints out the absolute IP ID value used by the system. In this case here the value is 108. Each subsequent line then prints out the delta change from the previous packet. So in the second line the actual IP ID was 109, which is “+1” from the previous value of 108. The next packet had an IP ID of 110, which is “+1” from the previous IP ID value of 109.
Look closely at the fourth line of output. Note the delta change was “+2”. Since Windows uses sequential IP IDs, this tells us a packet we didn’t get to see just left the Windows system. We don’t know where it was going, but that’s OK. What’s important is that we can identify when the Windows system transmits and how many packets it sends out. For example had that line read “+5”, we would know that the Windows system transmitted four other packets since responding to our last probe.

Detecting open ports

So how can we leverage the predictable IP ID value of Windows for evil? One possibility is to turn the Windows system into an open port sensor. Here’s how we do it:
  1. Monitor the current IP ID being used by a Windows system. We should check the value at regular intervals over a relatively short period of time. Say once second.
  2. Find a target system we wish to port scan.
  3. While spoofing the source IP address of the Windows system, send a SYN packet to the TCP port we wish to probe on the target.
The target system will send a response packet back to the Windows system. This response will either be:
The RFCs state you should never respond to error packets, regardless of whether you consider them to be legitimate or not. So when the Windows box receives the TCP reset error packet from the target host, it quietly ignores and discards the packet.
Things get a bit more interesting when a SYN/ACK is received however. From the Windows system’s perspective, it is just hanging out minding it’s own business when some unknown system sends it a SYN/ACK packet (remember we spoofed the Windows system’s IP address in the probe packet). A SYN/ACK effectively means “Sure, you can connect to me on that TCP port, no problem”. Of course since the Windows system didn’t actually send the SYN packet, it has no idea what the remote target is talking about.
With this in mind the Windows system sends a TCP reset error packet back to the target host. When the reset packet is transmitted, the next available IP ID is used within the IP header. This missing IP ID would be detected if we are still monitoring the IP ID increment once per second. So to review:
  • Closed port on target = No packets leaving Windows system
  • Open port on target = Windows sends a TCP reset using up an IP ID
So by monitoring the IP ID increment, we can identify when an open port is discovered as only probes to open ports will cause the IP ID increment to change.


You can’t use just any Windows system for this attack. The box must meet certain criteria:
  • Relatively quite system generating little traffic (like a home system)
  • No stateful filtering of TCP traffic
Of course go to any cable or DSL network at 2:00 AM local time and you can find hundreds of thousands of systems that meet these criteria. Remember that Windows systems love to arbitrarily broadcast, so you may wish to perform multiple check of each open port just to ensure the IP ID increment change was in fact due to an open port being probed.

Exec Summary

An idle scan lets you probe open ports on a remote target, while fooling the target into believing that some third party system is performing the scan. Open ports are detected by monitoring for irregularities in the IP ID increment of the Windows box.
In the next installment we’ll actually see what these packets look like on the wire as well as discuss how to detect an idle attack when it is used against you.


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